On the 23rd of March 2011 LIAF and Women in Film and Television came together to present a very successful first event celebrating women in animation. The event was hosted by the Deluxe Soho formally, Soho Labs in their prestigious preview theatre.
The event showcased the work of three excellent women animators Suzanne Deakin, Magdelena Osinska and Elizabeth Hobbs, who styles demonstrated beautifully the breadth and depth of the versatility of animation. There was a Q&A session with the animators, chaired by Rebecca Brand of WFTV and LIAF Director Nag Vladermersky. Amongst a variety of attendees both members and non-members of WFTV we were delighted to welcome Helen Gibbins from the Melbourne International Animation Festival LIAF’s sister festival who happened to be in London that week. The event was well attended and the feeling from the audience was that similar events showcasing women in animation would be most welcome.
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