In 1990’s Hungary, travel was finally possible but unaffordable. By forging international train tickets, three young men provide the opportunity for a whole generation to experience the outside world. With the fall of the Iron Curtain, Hungary’s borders suddenly open up. Everyone wants to travel to Western Europe – young people in particular – but the price of a train ticket is prohibitive. What good is freedom if you can’t afford it?
Ákos, Petya and Laci discover a simple method of using household detergents to dissolve Pelikan‘s Blue carbon ink, allowing them to forge train tickets to any destination. Over time, they become professional and infamous forgery artists. For a long time, everything goes along smoothly, but when the police start an investigation, the friends discover that freedom comes at a price.
Pelikan Blue is the type of film that leaves a permanent smile on the viewer’s face. It has the power to make us believe that, not that long ago, the world was a far better place.
László Csáki is an independent visual artist, animator and animation film director, well known for his unique chalkboard-drawing style. Several of his animated, documentary and short films have won multiple awards around the world. He has vast experience as an animation tutor at Budapest Metropolitan University (METU), Animation department. He lives and works in Budapest.
Pelikan Blue – László Csáki, Hungary

In 1990’s Hungary, travel was finally possible but unaffordable. By forging international train tickets, three young men provide the opportunity for a whole generation to experience the outside world.
2023 80’00 min
Our Funding Partners

With Special Thanks to the Arts Council England

Event supported by Film Hub London, managed by Film London. Proud to be a partner of the BFI Film Audience Network, funded by the National Lottery.
The Horse Hospital is a three tiered progressive arts venue in London providing an encompassing umbrella for the related media of film fashion, music and art. For more information about The Horse Hospital and how to get there, find out more.
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