One of two programmes curated for Latitude 2016. 31 minutes of the funniest, weirdest and eye-poppingly nutty films that you have ever seen.
Please check with Latitude Festival website for correct screening date and start time.
You can find out about our other Latitude programme ‘Into the Dark’ here
Don’t Fear Death (Louis Hudson, UK)
Featuring the dulcet tones of Rik Mayall, this fast-paced comedy argues the joys of being dead, aided by a montage of corpses and a dance-crazed Grim Reaper.
2013, 3’00
The Planets (Andy Martin, UK)
Twelve planets, twelve adventures – all you ever need to know about life, death and music.
2014, 12’00
Jazz That Nobody Asked For (Esben Fisker & Rune Fisker, Denmark)
Pop the box, release the energy, unleash the band. The beat can take it from here.
2013, 4’10
A Single Life (Job, Joris and Marieke, Netherlands)
A life can be lived, measured and even manipulated in so many different ways but beware the cracks and the sudden endings.
2014, 2’20
Driving (Nate Theis, USA)
Whoever called it the “rush hour” has never been out in it. The only thing that takes off is the blood pressure.
2014, 3’50