We’re screening a carefully chosen programme for our littlest and most special audience as part of Picturehouse’s Toddler Time, screening throughout London and the UK.
Toddler Time is especially designed to introduce children to the big screen, featuring 30-minute shows for pre-school children and their parents / carers.
Tickets are just £3 each for children and accompanying adults who become members of Toddler Time (free to join – please ask at Picturehouse box offices). Otherwise the usual Picturehouse matinee prices apply.
Please check the cinema which you’ll be attending for correct start times. Tickets for this screening will be available for purchase from The Little Theatre Cinema, Bath
‘Bottle’ (Kirsten Lepore, 2011)
The power to connect knows no boundaries and can’t be stopped by Mother Nature’s power of erosion.
USA, 5’25
‘Fluffy McCloud’ (Conor Finnegan, 2010)
An independent little cloud finally finds a use for all the rain he’s been carrying around.
Ireland, 3’00
‘Alimation’ (Alexandre Dubosc, 2011)
A cool, cute little animated film made out of smarties, chocolates and yummy cake.
France, 2’48
‘Dodu The Cardboard Boy’ (Jose Miguel Ribeiro, 2010)
A cardboard boy and a bottle-top ladybug living in a cardboard city escape and set sail into a deep blue moonlit sea.
Portugal, 5’00
‘A to B’ (Malcolm Sutherland, 2011)
What’s the quickest way from A to B? Let’s find out.
Canada, 2’47
‘The Little Bird and the Leaf’ (Lena von Dohren, 2012)
It’s winter. At the end of a branch hangs a single leaf. A little bird attempts to water the leaf but it falls off.
Switzerland, 4’00
‘Grand Prix’ (Anna Solanas & Marc Riba, 2011)
Every good tricycle race is started by a band of penguins. And who said girls couldn’t join in – that’s not fair!!
Spain, 8’00