We’ve been absent from the social network this past month or so… we’ve been concocting, contemplating and confirming. LIAF 2012 is taking shape – steadily forming into an ever-expanding, energetic ball of animation sprinkles. So it’s time to spill some of the gossip on what we’ve been up to, and more importantly, how far we’ve got…
We have an Animation Bursary
The finite details are currently being ironed-out, but we’re very happy to pre-announce that our firm friends at The Film & Video Workshop are funding our first Animation Bursary!!! This year, we get the absolute honour of offering a budget (tbc!), animation space, equipment, materials, tech support and meetings with industry-experienced mentors to three animators. This is a pre-press-release, so keep it between you and us. More details coming soon…

New location… sort of
You know by now how much we loved being at the Barbican last year. Well, we’re back and this time we get to make our mark on two extra cinemas as well. The Barbican is currently building two new 156-seater cinemas to open this Autumn. Team LIAF took a little time out last weekend to do a quick ‘Recce’ (and take a look at the local establishments’ vino offerings). We came away very pleased… and also very merry. More to report as and/or if we remember it…
LIAF gets a +1
Just when we think we’ve tamed LIAF into an obedient and schedule-friendly 10-day occurrence, it hurls itself into the realms of chaos and demands an extra day.
Oh go on then…we’re now starting out a day earlier. LIAF 2012 will begin on October 25th, closing night 4th November.