Ladies & gentlemen… come and help us open the Festival in style. We take a collection of the hottest films from competition, mix them with some of our favourite spicy classics from the special programmes, add in a seasoning of the top new British films and round out the whole shebang with some guest appearances and a couple of surprises that won’t be screening in any other part of LIAF. This is the essential LIAF showbag and the numbers are strictly limited.
Plus – we have the world premiere of Phil Mulloy’s brand new feature film ‘Dead but not Buried’ (part 2 of ‘The Christies’ trilogy).
‘Part II – Dead But Not Buried’ (Phil Mulloy, 2011)
Phil Mulloy’s short films have been some of the most unique and acerbic inclusions in our programmes and have won ‘Best of Fest’ awards in years gone by. Phil, it would be fair to say, has never been a slave to the notion of fine art. His films are often (in fact, normally) a gut-punch delivered with a paint-brush. They hold up a sort of pseudo-mirror that somehow reflects where we might be about to go (typically some version of hell). And they are made by a man in a hurry. These images burst from the screen in much the same way as they were probably thrown down on the page in the first place. They can be ugly and contradictory. For this feature, Phil has parked his brushes and plugged in a tablet. The look has changed a bit, so has the pacing, even some of the anger has been given a seat but that strange mirror his films put in front of us is still in our face.
UK, 80’00