The word is out – LIAF is back and we can’t wait to share these films with you!
In addition to the 8 international competition programmes announced last week, LIAF 2021 will also feature the British Showcase, two children’s and families programmes, The Best of the Next (student films) and Late Night Bizarre. All of these programmes are also competitive, will be judged by panels of animation experts and will all be up for a LIAF award.
LIAF is all about championing new filmmakers; some of the most risky and relevant work seen at our festival is by graduates and student filmmakers around the world. Our two Best of the Next screenings have been selected from showreels sent in by numerous film schools. These are the filmmakers of the future.
Likewise, we champion our home-grown talents and screen more British animation than any other festival worldwide. This years British Showcase is a great example of what our British filmmakers have been producing over the last 18 months. Triumph over adversity!
Another of our returning programmes is perennial favourite Late Night Bizarre. Buckle up and get ready for a wild ride. As ever, these are a bunch of the craziest films submitted this year.
And of course, we mustn’t forget the kids. For they truly ARE the potential future of animation. Let’s get them started early appreciating indie-animation by true artists with a singular vision from every corner of the planet. Even more line-ups to be announced soon, along with stills, synopses and trailers!
British Showcase
@scroll_alice Céline Ufenast, UK
A Film About a Pudding Roel Van Beek, UK
Anywhere but Here Maitry Rao, UK
Boy oh Boy Stephen Irwin, UK
Drifting Sam Ripman & Freddie Griffiths, UK
Gyroscope Gabriel Bohmer, UK
Night of the Living Dread Ida Melum, UK
Skeleton of a Moth Emma Kay Smith, UK
Stones Joseph Brett, UK
Tap Runner Paolo Chianta, UK
The Dragon Head Tree Jiaqi Wang, UK
The Sam Story Richard Noble, UK
Treasure Samantha Moore, UK
When the Tides Went Down Jordan Buckner, UK
Late Night Bizarre
All Jerk, No Work Chris Lambourne, UK
Amen to no Men Hayley Legon, USA
Cuties Theo W Scott, UK
Dissolution Dries Bogaert, Belgium
Hi, you Peach Yugo Limbo, USA
Il Gatto Donato Sansone, Italy
Misery Loves Company Sasha Lee, South Korea
Mulm Carol Ratajczak, Tobias Trebeljahr, Germany
Parasite and Me Kannosuke Enomoto, Japan
The Clockwork Elves Nick Cross, USA
The Playground Grace Nayoon Rhee, South Korea
Thing Malte Stein, Germany
Throat Notes Felix Colgrave, Australia
Under the Skin, the Bark Franck Dion, France
Vampire Zhong Xian, UK/Taipei
Best of the Next
3:45pm Alisha Liu, USA
A Grave Man Thomas Pecout, Evan Charvet-Quemin, Corentin Dupessey Brun, Edouard Rosaz & Quentin Lassauzay, France
A Sip of Water Hyuna Cho South Korea, UK
Avant Card Stella Raith, Germany
Beer Boys Jane Gorelik, USA
BusLine 35A Elena Felici, Denmark
Carried Away Jean-Baptiste Escary, Alo M. Trusz, Manon Carrier, Etienne Fagnere & Johan Cayrol, France
Ciervo Pilar Garcia-Fernandezsesma, USA
Dogs Smell Like the Sea Anastassia Lisovets, Russia
Due to Legal Reasons this Film is called Breaking Bert Anne Isensee, Germany
Elevator Alone Anastasia Papadopoulou, Greece
Ennui Timothey Delhaize, Alexis Maerten-Lammin, Gabriel Richaud & Aurélia Tron, France
Flying Squirrel and the Pyrotechnician Momoka Kato, Japan
Follow Zhang Lihong, Japan
Girl in the Water Shi-Rou Huang, Taiwan
Half of an Apple Xiaolin Zhou, Japan
How Were You Born? Danielle Kimchi, Israel
Jeijay Petra Stipetic, Maren Wiese, Germany
One Two Home Gili Shani, Israel
Pause, Play, Repeat Ankita Panda, USA
Soft Animals Renee Zhan, UK
Space Zhong Xian, UK
Stuck Together Masa Avramovic, France
Summer Rain Julia Skala & Oscar Jacobson, Germany
The Balloon Catcher Isaku Kaneko Japan
The Place that Left Me Deandra Asara, UK
Unconscious Projections Maddie Branagan, UK
Walking while Falling Elisabeth Jakobi, Germany
When Alone Paz Bernstein, Israel
You are not a Kiwi Maria Saveleva, Estonia
Children & Family Films
A Film about a Pudding Roel Van Beek, UK
A Stone in the Shoe Eric Montchaud, France
All of our Shadows Ruth Beni, Daniel Greaves, UK
Astralium Lucie Andouche, France
Bench Rich Webber, UK
Blinded by Love Yige Yang, UK
Boy in the Woods Fabiano Leandro Pandolfi, Brazil
Damn It! Elena Walf, Germany
Embers the Dragon – Hurry Up Embers! Alex Walker, UK
Hedgehog Spikiney Tihoni Brčić, Croatia
Helmut Igor Kuzmic, Switzerland
Ink Erik Verkerk & Joost van den Bosch, Netherlands
Just for the Record Vojin Vasovic, Canada
Kiko and the Animals Yawen Zheng, France
Mishou Milen Vitanov Germany, Bulgaria
Mitch Match Series 06 Géza M. Tóth, Hungary
Orchestra Rehearsal Tatiana Okruzhnova, Russia
Patchwork Butterfly Angela Steffen, Germany
Patchwork Tiger Angela Steffen, Germany
Patouille and the Parachute Seeds Ines Bernard-Espina, Melody Boulissiere & Clemetine Campos, France
Rawr Sorcha McGlinchey, Ireland
Shift Cam Swartz, USA
Snipp, Snapp, Snut and the Colours Cecilia Actis & Mia Hulterstam, Sweden
Twin Trees Emmanuel Ollivier, France
Twoot Newt Jackie Snyder, USA