LIAF presents UK Animator Focus at the University of East London (UEL), an all-day event from 11:00 – 19:00, Saturday 12 December. Storytelling for Animation with Robert Bradbrook is the third of four sessions, in a very special day-long animation event at the UEL. We’ve gathered together some of the most passionate, honest and insightful experts from a wide range of different areas and backgrounds who are ready to cover all manner of vital topics to help you on your way towards working in the animation industry. Each animator is ready to impart their knowledge and answer your questions in three carefully chosen sessions. For anyone currently working in the film and animation industry, thinking of working in the industry or just plain curious, these three talks are indispensable.
Add to this a very special enhanced screening of our annual British Showcase, 90 minutes of the best short animated films made in the last 12 months with several filmmakers in attendance, and you’ll get an exceptional opportunity to see what British animators are doing, how they’re doing it and how the art form is travelling.
Other sessions include:
Session 1 – The Joy in Artifice with Barry Purves
Session 2 – Storyboarding for Animation – How & Why with Luc Chamberland
Session 4 – British Showcase with Numerous UK Animators!
At UEL buy tickets
Please note, there will be no tickets available on the day of the event. Advance booking only. One ticket gets you into all 4 events.
Event supported by Film Hub London, managed by Film London. Proud to be a partner of the BFI Film Audience Network, funded by the National Lottery.For more information please go to:
Session 3 – Storytelling for Animation with Robert Bradbrook
‘Often when we start to write for animation, we forget our natural instinct in telling stories to each other. By looking at how we verbally entertain our family and friends, this workshop helps animators to develop more dramatic films, that are both emotionally engaging and leave the audience with something to think about.’
Please do take a look at the trailer for Robert’s most recent animation Dead Air below
Robert Bradbrook Biography
Robert studied geology as his first degree and worked as a cartographer before specialising in animation. This early focus on landscape has subsequently influenced his approach to filmmaking; he is interested in storytelling through landscape, rather than through conventional characterisation. For example, he enjoyed using the dynamic coastal scenery in his most recent film ‘Dead Air’ (screening at LIAF 2015) to reflect the characters’ worries and uncertainties. Between personal films Robert runs his own company, and provides animation for film, television and new media. Recently he has produce animated scenes, title sequences and visual effects for the feature length documentary about Tony Benn ‘Will and Testament’. As well as being Senior Tutor at the National Film and TV School and Middlesex University he gives talks and storytelling workshops to colleges, festivals and production companies around the world.