The film will be introduced by our special guests – acclaimed Estonian animators Priit Tender and Ulo Pikkov.
Special thanks to the Estonian Embassy.
Estonians have a rich history of animated filmmaking, but they haven’t produced too many feature-length projects. When they do though, you can be assured that it won’t look or feel like anything else out there.
Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange plays out like an eccentric Bollywood musical made by Bertholt Brecht.
The film rightly claims to be the best Estonian animated citrus opera ever made, but it’s also probably the only Estonian animated citrus opera ever made. It has an element of novelty that can’t be beat. This singing extravaganza – a fruity version of Romeo and Juliet – tells the story of an impossible love affair between Maroc Orange, a Moroccan singing boat refugee, and Lisa Limone, an Italian girl who collects singing seashells and dreams about love.
An age-old story of forbidden love in a modern setting made with meticulous attention to detail and delightful fruit puppets.
At Horse Hospital book tickets
72’00 2013
Lisa Limone and Maroc Orange: A Rapid Love Story (Mait Laas, Estonia) trailer