Animation, like childhood, can be just full of wonder with the biggest pleasures being the simplest ones. This programme strips away all the soft-sell toy ads and the over-the-top blockbuster-style special effects and just delivers up a programme of wonderful films full of simple joys. Suitable for 7-15 years.
At the Rio book tickets
5 mètres 80 (Nicolas Deveaux, France)
If you ever thought giraffes couldn’t do fancy tricks take a good look at this troupe of graceful, long legged beauties. You won’t believe your eyes – and neither will your kids!
2013, 5’20
Ordinary Day (Vuk Palibrk, Serbia)
Even the most ordinary day can throw up the most extraordinary of obstacles. Over and over.
2013, 5’50
The Wires (Tatiana Moshkova & Marina Moshkova, Russia)
2014, 6’20
The Planets (Andy Martin, UK)
2013, 12’00
My Stuffed Granny (Effie Pappa, UK)
2014, 10’35
Johnny Express (Kyungmin Woo, South Korea)
2014, 5’00
The Little Cousteau (Jakub Kouril, Czech Republic)
2013, 8’15
Rabbit and Deer (Péter Vácz, Hungary)
2013, 16’15
7 tonnes 3 (Nicolas Deveaux, France)
2011, 2’25
Big Hands Oh Big Hands, Let It Be Bigger And Bigger (Lei Lei, China)
2012, 8’45