If ever there was evidence that animation is a lot more than cute kids stories, this fearsome collection of the best truly haunted animated visions is most definitely it. LIAF received almost 2,600 entries this year and a good number of them were screams from the other side, the result of the filmmaker turning the dial to ‘macabre’ and unleashing the powerfully imaginative toolkit that animation offers to explore an almost unimaginable, undefinable series of pathways. Afficionados of the bizarre will revel in this collection of possessed pathways. Close the doors, turn off the lights, and hope you’re not locked in for the night.
At Horse Hospital book tickets
Placement Of The Grain (Mitchel A. Kraft , Canada)
We all know we are living in a cage, we all know larger hands control us and the world we try to navigate, but seeing it writ large in chromium black and white is the stuff of nightmares.
2’50 2013
Kreb (Tim Tracey , Canada)
In a dystopian hall of manufacture where the industrialisation of life raises the spectre of a revolt of hybrids, the one with the knife is not always the most dangerous creature in the frame.
6’30 2012
Endtrip (Koen De Mol, Olivier Ballast & Rick Franssen, Netherlands)
A breathtaking trip through the bizarre and fantastical unconsciousness of a drug overdosed girl – a glimpse into the extraordinary and strange workings of the mind.
5’10 2013
A Wolf in the Tree (Jiaxing Lin, China)
A woman and a wolf mingle their uncertain worlds of ambiguities in a search for their separate, but entwined, fates.
9’30 2012
An Errand (Ghim Naheun , South Korea)
A young boy makes the mistake of entering the grocery store stocked full of the most ghoulish supplies. And yet, the apparently kindly grocer has an option for everything on his list.
3’50 2013
The Gate (Matt Westrup , UK)
Something has gone wrong. Medicines bought online have brought about distinctly unintended consequences and a mess has to be cleaned up. But what – exactly – is the real mess?
11’42 2013
Incredulous Voice (Inês Freitas & Miguel Mendes, Portugal)
6’18 2012
Leviathan Ages (Jon Yeo, UK)
3’33 2013
Sewing Woman (Woo Jin, South Korea)
Moonshine (Michal Poniedzielski, Poland)
10’13 2013
The Maggot Feeder (Priit Tender , Estonia)
15’28 2012