Animation in its purest form. LIAF’s annual collection of the most impressive and expressive abstract and experimental animated films from all over the world. The programme includes Steven Woloshen’s (LIAF’s special guest) fantastic new cameraless masterpiece 1000 Plateaus (2004-2014) made entirely by hand and by scratching and painting images directly on to film stock.
At Barbican book tickets
Barcode III.0 (Adriaan Lokman, Netherlands)
Stereoscopic 3D
A unique journey across a topography created entirely from a form of digital light and shadow – a bristling terrain of poles bending the light in every direction.
2013, 8’15
1000 Plateaus (Steven Woloshen, Canada)
Made entirely in the front seat of a car with simple art tools direct to film, this hand-made short celebrates the joy of road maps, travel and jazz music.
2014, 3’20
Two Weeks – Two Minutes (Judith Poirier, Canada)
An intensely imaginative exploration of the way we interact with the opposing pages of a book, utilising a vast collection of lead and wood type to print directly onto film stock.
2013, 2’35
Rat Trap (Caleb Wood, US)
A short poem (“victims / descend / into holes / and reflect / and suffer”) an unsettling ambiance and a gripping horror story.
2013, 2’00
Storm (Lim Guo Jun, Singapore)
A delirious paean to Oskar Fischinger and Disney’s Fantasia – but with a 21st Century spin.
2013, 3’05
Pencil Test (David Ehrlich, US/China)
2013, 3’25
Koukou (Takashi Ohashi, Japan)
2013, 6’10
Triptych: Tripes, Entrails, Visceras (Pierre M. Trudeau, Canada)
2012, 3’10
Third Page from the Sun (Theodore Ushev, Canada)
2014, 6’00
Bird Shit (Caleb Wood, US)
2013, 0’40
Picture Particles (Thorsten Fleisch, Germany)
2014, 5’40
Circle Game (Patrick Jenkins, Canada)
2014, 1’00
Recycled (Lei Lei/Thomas Sauvin, China)
2014, 5’40
Machinalement (v.32) (JeanDetheux, Belgium)
2013, 6’00
Wonder (Mirai Mizue, France/Japan)
2013, 8’00