Arlene Klasky and Gabor Csupo created the iconic Klasky Csupo Studio from scratch in a spare room in their apartment. It grew to become one of the true greats of the animation scene giving us the original Simpson’s shorts, the first three seasons of The Simpson’s TV series, the blockbuster Rug Rats series and movies, the utterly unique cult classic Duckman, a galaxy of ads, music videos and shorts – and it provided a home base for the great Igor Kovalyov to realise some of his greatest creative auteur films. This programme looks at some of those highlights, takes a real close-up look at their best unscreened pilots and will showcase some of Igor Kovalyov’s works. A treat from start to finish.
‘Bench Pressly’
Super-detective Bench Pressly and his female sidekick Sho-Girl fight foes and villains in the backdrop of a futuristic Las Vegas. From the unpredictable minds of Ahmet Zappa and Sean Abley
‘Immigrants: Vladislav’s Quest’
Classic Klasky Csupo visual styling. A dangerous hilariously satirical and achingly insightful cocktail, this is the segment that sets up the characters, quandaries and predicaments pursued in greater length in Klasky Csupo’s feature film of the same name.
‘Citizen Tony’
For reasons that need little illumination Tony ain’t doin’ so well with the ladies. Things start to look up when he advertises “Free Oil Change For Ladies” at his garage – and then a dude in a dress turns up.
‘Chuck Sweet’
Chuck is – to the say the very least – a foot-long sandwich short of a less than tasty picnic. Nowhere are these tendencies more likely to erupt through his cracks than when he’s coaching his junior baseball team.
‘The Way The Dead Love’
A dark rendition of a series of deeply perverse Charles Bukowski short stories featuring a down-on-his-luck loser who makes a deal with the angel of death to spare his life if he’s able to write a love story.
‘You Animal’
Joseph Poot is hot, hot, hot! The star they call “Mr Chairman” is at the top of his game, shuttling between Vegas, where he headlines as a singer, and his home in Bel-Air, where he hosts his own TV show. That’s pretty good going for a horse, even one as handsome as he is.
‘Stinky Pierre’
A deliciously warped little teaser from the pens and minds that gave us Duckman. Buster Roland is a bright and innocent ten-year-old orphan in the care of his uncle, Stinky Pierre, a man so hopelessly inept as a parent that he considers home-schooling to be an opportunity to teach Buster the skills required to mix a perfect martini.