The best of recently released short animated films from all over the world, carefully chosen from 2000-plus entries. They come in from every corner and use every technique. The one thing these 7 films have in common is that they are some of the creepiest, darkest films made in the last 18 months. Be scared, be very scared!
‘Underlife’ (Jaroslaw Konopka, 2010)
The cyclical nature of existence combines with the past and the future to pursue the destructive influence that ancestors have on man.
Poland, 8’32
‘Blanche Fraise’ (Frédérick Tremblay, 2011)
Two rabbits are starving to death in this sinister fairy tale in a dying forest.
Canada, 16’44
‘How to raise the Moon’ (Anja Struck, 2011)
In a place of condensed time, sleep (a fox) and death (a bunny) fight for a woman’s life in this homage to early surrealistic silent cinema.
Germany/Denmark, 8’27
‘Coming of Oracle / Prohveti sünd’ (Rao Heidmets, 2011)
Human beings are slaves to their imagination. To be free of it is a long and complicated journey which requires, above all, a good memory.
Estonia, 13’00
‘Black Doll / Prita Noire’ (Sofia Carillo, 2011)
Two sisters are bonded and bound by co-dependence, separation anxiety and routine in this creepy mix of time-lapse and puppetry.
Mexico, 8’10
‘Bydlo’ (Patrick Bouchard, 2012)
Inspired by Mussorgsky’s Pictures At An Exhibition – earth is brought to life through clay sculptures, creating a tactile nightmare in which man is his own slave driver.
Canada, 8’55
‘Plume’ (Barry Purves, 2011)
A thrilling screening of Purves’ latest masterpiece. A winged man, a fall, a hostile encounter, a life changed forever.
France, 14’40