The best of recently released short animated films from all over the world, carefully chosen from 2000-plus entries. They come in from every corner, they use every technique, they can be funny, dramatic, eye-popping, subdued, documentary or autobiographical. The one thing they have in common is that we think they’re the pick of the crop. We also have competition programmes focusing purely on: Recent Japanese Animation (Programme 4); Dark Animation (Programme 7); Long Shorts (Programme 8); and Abstract Animation (Programme 9).
‘The Tender Wife’ (Anne Larricq, 2011)
France, 8’33
‘The Back Room’ (Michael Kren & Mirjam Baker, 2011)
Austria, 5’30
‘The Women’s Day Gift / Podarok’ (Mihail Dvorjankin, 2010)
Russia, 8’35
‘Resale Right / Le droit de suite’ (Pierre Emmanuel Lyet, 2011)
France, 2’20
‘Tram / Villamos’ (Rozi Bekes, 2010)
Hungary, 5’45
‘A to B’ (Malcolm Sutherland, 2011)
Canada, 2’47
‘Some Actions Which haven’t Been Defined Yet in the Revolution / Yi Chang Ge Ming Zhong Hai Wei Lai De Ji Ding Yi De Xing Wei’ (Sun Xun, 2011)
China, 12’22
‘The Maker’ (Christopher Kezelos, 2011)
Australia, 5’17
‘About Killing The Pig / Dell’ Ammazzare Il Maiale’ (Simone Massi, 2011)
Italy, 6’20
‘Night Sounds’ (Jacob Stalhammar, 2011)
Sweden, 5’50
‘Seven Minutes in the Warsaw Ghetto’ (Johan Oettinger, 2012)
Denmark, 7’48
‘I Saw Mice burying a Cat / Ya videl kak mishy kota horonili’ (Dmitry Geller, 2011)
China, 5’30