The best of recently released short animated films from all over the world, carefully chosen from 2000-plus entries. They come in from every corner, they use every technique, they can be funny, dramatic, eye-popping, subdued, documentary or autobiographical. The one thing they have in common is that we think they’re the pick of the crop. We also have competition programmes focusing purely on: Recent Japanese Animation (Programme 4); Dark Animation (Programme 7); Long Shorts (Programme 8); and Abstract Animation (Programme 9).
‘My Face is in Space’ (Tom Jobbins, 2012)
1977 – NASA sent a Golden Record into space. It encapsulated some of the greatest achievements of humankind, as well as a few friendly faces. Larry’s face is one of them.
UK, 9’00
‘Paso Doble’ (Jamie Metzger, 2011)
A sumptuously red visual orchestration of grace and passion.
Canada, 1’49
‘Spin’ (Max Hattler, 2011)
A complex choreography of re-animated figures moving to the exquisitely synchronised command of a master manipulator.
UK/France, 3’55
‘Villa Antropoff’ (Vladimir Leschiov & Kaspar Jancis, 2012)
A condom found on an African beach is an impulse for a man to set off on a dangerous sea journey to Europe, in search of a better life.
Estonia/Latvia, 13’00
‘Natural Urban Nature’ (Min-ji Kang, 2011)
An exquisite and simply beautiful depiction of nature in the urban city.
South Korea, 4’32
‘My… My…’ (Lei Lei, 2011)
Where are my clothes? Give them back! Give them back!
China, 4’32
‘Independent Mind / Independencia de Espirito’ (Marta Monteiro, 2011)
Clelia, a woman comfortable in her solitude, begins talking to her plants. Odd, she thinks, until she learns that her neighbour talks to her pots and pans.
Portugal, 10’00
‘Fata Morgana’ (Frodo Kuipers, 2011)
Burning in the desert sun, Eduardo – the only lemonade seller around – is fighting the urge to drink his last and final bottle of sweeeeet, coooool lemonade.
Holland, 4’17
‘Kubla Khan’ (Joan C. Gratz, 2011)
Simply stunning! Gratz returns to the gorgeous, morphing, coloured clay technique of her masterpiece Mona Lisa Descending A Staircase with this soaring tale from inside Zanadu.
USA, 3’41
‘Body Memory / Keha Malu’ (Ulo Pikkov, 2011)
Many memories dangle by the finest of threads, which are being pulled by forces out of sight and out of control.
Estonia, 9’00
‘Wild Life’ (Wendy Tilby & Amanda Forbis, 2011)
Alberta, 1909. The wide, open prairies of the wild west. Enter a well-tailored young Englishman, fresh from the ‘old country’.
Canada, 13’30