In recent years, there has been a rise in the number of independent Japanese animators, producing innovative works often differing from the commercial animation or ‘anime’ style which Japan is so famous for. Responding to this influx of works, the Japan Foundation has invited Nobuaki Doi, animation critic and founder of CALF, the independent Japanese DVD label to give an overview of Japanese independent animation, tracing its roots through to recent years.
Illustrating the activities of Japanese creators such as Koji Yamamura and Atsushi Wada, Doi will also discuss what in Japanese independent animation has been a source of global inspiration as well as the characteristics that make works from Japan pinnacles of the world of animation.
Following his presentation, Doi will be joined in conversation with LIAF Director Nag Vladermersky, and Mirai Mizue, an award-winning abstract animation director, to further discuss the situation facing animators in the UK and Japan.
This event is free to attend but booking is essential. To reserve a place, please email your name and the event title to
Date: Weds 26 March
Time: 6-30pm
Venue: The Japan Foundation,
London, Russell Square House, 10-12 Russell Square, WC1B 5EH
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