A selection of stylish and compelling documentaries with beautifully realized sequences and some of the most stunning animation in the festival.
‘Journey To Cape Verde’ (Jose Miguel Ribeiro, 2010)
A sixty-day-long walk in Cape Verde. No mobile phone, no watch, no plans for what to do next – only the bare essentials in the backpack.
Portugal, 17’00
‘Abuelas’ (Afarin Eghbal, 2011)
In a small apartment in Buenos Aires, an old woman eagerly awaits the birth of her grandchild. However, horrific circumstances mean that she will be forced to wait for over 30 years.
UK, 9’14
‘Tussilago’ (Jonas Odell, 2010)
In 1977 West German terrorist Norbert Kröcher was arrested for having planned to kidnap the Swedish politician Anna-Great Leijon. Among the people arrested during the following raids was Kröcher’s former girlfriend ‘A.’ This is her story.
Sweden, 14’30
‘Little Deaths’ (Ruth Lingford, 2010)
An animated reflection on the experience of orgasm, based on a varied series of taped interviews.
UK, 11’00
‘I was a Child of Holocaust Survivors’ (Anne-Marie Fleming, 2010)
An exploration of identity and loss through the audacious proposition that the Holocaust is addictive and defining.
Canada, 15’00
‘Get Well Soon’ (Lucy Izzard, Darren Walsh, Phoebe Boswell, Matt Oxborrow, Bill Elliott, Kim Alexander, Bunch & Andrew Kelleher, 2010)
Drive-by shootings, impalings, attacks by midgets, someone even ironing their own leg! In an East London pub people are interviewed about personal injury.
UK, 22’00