Animation, like childhood, can be just full of wonder with the biggest pleasures being the simplest ones. This programme carefully chosen for our littlest and most special audience strips away all the soft-sell toy ads and the over-the-top blockbuster-style special effects and just delivers up a programme of wonderful films full of simple joys.
At Barbican book tickets
Also at The Rio Sat 2 Nov. Tickets will be available to book here
10am – 11am: FREE Children’s drop-in animation workshop.
Join us in the cinema foyer for a special chance to try out your hand at making a short animated sequence with BAFTA-award winning animator Kevin Griffiths.
Special thanks to the Film & Video Workshop
Aston’s Presents (Lotta and Uzi Geffenblad, 2012)
This multi-award winning film shows the loveable character Aston eagerly awaiting his birthday, making packages of everything he finds and discovering that, sometimes, material gifts are not the best.
Sweden, 9’00
Believe in Yourself (Tony Dusko, 2011)
Racer Rabbit helps Croxie the Crocodile when he feels like giving up.
USA, 1’05
Miriam’s Green Spots (Priit Tender, 2012)
Miriam’s little brother gets ill, thus getting the attention of the whole family. Miriam’s jealousy leads her to paint some spots on her own face.
Estonia, 5’15
The Deep (PES, 2012)
Here’s a look at a strange underwater world you’ll never have seen before!
USA, 1’35
Monstersinfonie (Kiana Naghshineh, 2012)
If you’re brave and really show them who’s the boss, your monsters can become a really great little orchestra.
Germany, 3’05
High Above the Sky (Kim Noce & Shaun Clark, 2012)
This rocketship ride outside the supermarket is the best one there is. It goes way, way up and swoops way, way down.
UK, 2’50
Sharing (Tony Dusko, 2011)
We all have our favourite toys, the ones we love to play with most. This film is about the value of sharing.
USA, 1’50
The Sandpixies: Clouds, Nothing But Clouds (Ralf Kukula, 2012)

Germany, 4’55
Mungge, Not Again! (Claudia Röthlin, Adrian Flückiger & Irmgard Walthert, 2013)
Sleepwalking can be very dangerous, especially if two marmots and a hedgehog are trying to rescue their sleeping friend.
Switzerland, 6’20
Fresh Guacamole (PES, 2011)
Nominated for a 2012 Academy Award, Director PES creates fresh guacamole with his own special recipe.
USA, 1’50
A Girl Named Elastika (Guillaume Blanchet, 2012)
You are not gonna’ believe your eyes!!! A whole, way-cool movie made out of nothing but pins and rubber bands.
Canada, 3’30
Tom and the Queen Bee (Andreas Hykade, 2012)
All Tom wants is a slice of bread with strawberry jam and honey but the bees are getting in his way.
Germany, 5’00
Calamity Island (Dave Johnson, 2011)
Two shipwrecked sailors are stuck on a tropical island with a mischievous penguin.
UK, 7’12
Someone Who Gets You (Tony Dusko, 2013)
Sometimes it feels like no-one understands you. Sometimes it seems like everyone thinks you’re strange. But once in a while you will find someone who shares your sense of humour – and this is how best friendships are born.
USA, 1’10
Miriam’s Food Processor (Andres Tenusaar, 2012)
Miriam is in the kitchen, making a milkshake with the food processor. But her beloved pet chicken keeps pressing wrong buttons and finally it crashes onto the floor, which sends it completely mad.
Estonia, 5’15
Komaneko, Home Alone (Tsuneo Goda, 2013)
The continuing adventures of one of LIAF’s favourite characters. Ojii leaves Komaneko alone at home, but poor Komaneko gets a little scared.
Japan, 7’30
The Goat Herder and his Lots and Lots and Lots of Goats (Will Rose, 2012)
An amusing day in the life of a goat herder and his lots and lots and lots of goats, who like to munch on anything (and everything) they find!
UK, 7’12